
Welcome To
34th Governing Council meeting

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

In order to ensure transparency, accountability and efficiency in the functioning of various recognized bodies, a grievance redressal mechanism shall be in place. The grievance can be categorised into following Types:-

Complaints to be lodged directly at NCVET :-
  • AB against AB
  • AB against AA
  • AA against AB
  • Complaints against NCVET
Complaints lodged by Learners/Stakeholders :-
  • At the TP against all forms of institutions and service delivery
  • At any other level
Complaints lodged by Training Provider :-
  • Against AB
  • Against AA

Each recognized body has to form a Grievance Redressal Committee

The Scope of Work of this Committee will be

  • To ensure that grievances are resolved in a fair, transparent and easily accessible manner in stipulated time frame
  • To be responsive to the concerns/complaints of beneficiaries
  • To deter fraud and corruption and mitigate operational risks
  • To improve the service delivery of the recognized bodies
  • To enhance the trust among stakeholders

The Committee members will include representation from –

  • Assessment and Certification Team (One member each for 2 levels of escalation)
  • Training and Placement Team (One member each for 2 levels of escalation)
  • Finance Team (One member each for 2 levels of escalation)
Escalation Matrix for the Grievance Redressal Committee within the Awarding Body will be as follows-
Team Escalation Matrix
Assessment and Certification Team Level 1 Level 2
Training and Placement Team Level 1 Level 2
Finance Team Member Level 1 Level 2

Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH)

Each Awarding Body has to form a PoSH Committee to ensure Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment

The Committee includes-
  • Two Women representatives
  • One Representative from Human Resource Department
  • One member from Legal department
The escalation Matrix will be as follows-
Team Escalation Matrix
Two Women Representatives Level 1 Level 2
Human Resource Department Level 1 Level 2
Legal Department Level 1 Level 2