
Through Corporate Social Responsibility projects, Rubber, Chemical & Petrochemical Skill Development Council (RCPDSC) aims to participate and contribute in building a well skilled and empowered society. The RCPSDC has well defined strategy for the CSR activities of the corporate sector. The organisation has developed a process which fits into the CSR framework of corporates and easy to customise projects according the corporate needs. As many companies come under the statutory of CSR policy, they are being approached and explained about the programmes which may be created and implemented through the RCPSDC.

The Industry Partnerships & CSR vertical in RCPSDC works towards helping the underprivileged to sustainably enhance living standards and raise the nation’s human development index through promotion of education and training, promoting gender equality, empowering women, and employment enhancing vocational skills.

Models of CSR Partnerships- Proposed CSR Actvites and Projects

Sponsorship Of Candidates For Skill Development
  • Sponsor Candidates For Skilling Programs In Priority Areas/Sectors (Programs Focused On Livelihoods, Persons With Disabilities, Minorities, Special Areas, Etc.)
  • In Geographical Area As Suggested By Company
  • Implement The Project Through RCPSDC Training Partners With Project Management Support By RCPSDC At Nominal Cost
  • Undertake Short Term Training Of Fresh Candidates Or Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL) Certification Programs For Employees (Including Contractual Workers) For NSQF-Alignment.
Setting up of Centre of Excellence (CoE) / Multi–Skill Training
  • Setup multi-skill training centers to be owned and run by team of corporate CSR or any other models suggested by the corporate
  • Projects for Supporting Industry Driven Manufacturing and services sector skill training with best in class facilities and infrastructure
  • Setup/Upgrade A Skill Development Facility To Be The Centre Of Excellence (CoE) To Be Of A State-Of-The-Art Aspirational Centre With Highly Advanced Skill Equipment With Support From Sector Relevant Industry, For Promoting Higher Level Of Skilling In The Country.
Support Trade - Specific Labs / Centers
  • Corporate Can Setup/ Donate Labs To Support Skill Development Programs Addressing Industry Need For Skilled Manpower At Trade-Level.
  • Corporate and RCPSDC Can Jointly Identify Training Centres To Upgrade/Augment Labs In Such Centres.
  • Corporate Can Jointly Monitor With RCPSDC To Make Certain Such Centres Are Delivering As Per Plan And On Quality Standards Set Forth.
  • Ensure Continuous Engagement Through Technology And Knowledge Interventions, On-The-Job Training/Apprenticeship Programs For Graduates, Etc.
Right To Use Land, Building, Machinery
  • Provide Right Of Usage To An Appropriate Facility To Be Used As A Skill Development Centre.
  • Support Existing Programs Through Basic Setup Costs And Equipment Donation To Offset Training Programs That Are Cost Intensive.
  • Provision Land Usage For Specific Programs Like Driver Training Centres, Construction-Related Trades, Etc. With High Employment Potential.
  • Operationalize Through An RCPSDC Affiliated Training Partner.
  • Combine With Sponsorship Of Candidates’ Trainings.
Skill Advisory & Supporting Apprenticeship Through CSR
  • Work Directly With RCPSDC To Contribute To Development Of Industry Standards For Skill Development Under The NSQF.
  • The Corporates can provide their advisory services on Technical Knowhow Of Skills Along With Sector Expertise Assuring A Highly Aspirational Centre With Supreme Training Quality.
  • Corporates can make available CSR Funds For Apprenticeship Training To Include Expenditure On Basic Training And Stipend Payable To Apprentices Under Apprentices Act 1961.

Process and Methodology

The CSR Department at RCPSDC will be supported by a Project Management Unit, with a project team.

RCPSDC Internal Process


Completed Project

National Backward Classes Finance And Development Corporation (NBCFDC)

National Backward Classes Finance And Development Corporation (NBCFDC) and RCPSDC signed MoU for a CSR project for Training OBC/EBC youths and senior citizens candidates in Nuh, Haryana .

This was a short term training course of 350 hours aimed at placements and self employment.

This was CWC CSR funded Project of NBCFDC, implemented by RCPSDC. The Candidates were trained in Tyre Fitter Job roles. Under this training Project, 180 candidates were trained and, 165 students were successfully completed and 137 of them were placed



Bridgestone and RCPSDC signed a MoU for training of 1,000 Tyre Fitters across country.

Tyre fitters have undergone 3- day training followed by assessment and certification.

Successful students are upgraded with the latest equipment and rebranding of their shops. The Project is promoted by the name of 'Tyre Carewala'